The technique used by Leonardo to paint the Last Supper, unfavorable environmental conditions and its various historical vicissitudes have made the masterpiece vulnerable and fragile.
For this reason the Museum staff cares for the Last Supper daily with a wide range of preventive actions.
From Tuesday to Sunday:
from 8.15 a.m. to 7 p.m.
(with last admission at 6.45 p.m.)
To guarantee everyone a safe visit,
in this first experimental phase,
the visits last 15 minutes for
a maximum number of 35 people at a time
Reservations are required.
Reservations* for the Cenacolo Museum will open every three months.
(*On Tuesday, December 10th, starting at 12:00 PM, admissions for the February, March, and April 2025 quarter will be available for purchase through the usual channels)