A fragile heritage
Conservation of the Last Supper

Leonardo painted the Last Supper using a dry technique: he applied the pigments to a white preparatory layer, which served to level and smooth the wall, instead of painting directly on the wet plaster. Hence the colours were not absorbed by the plaster, but rather superimposed on the wall. This made the painting much more vulnerable and fragile than fresco. This technique and the far from perfect environmental conditions caused the loss of pigment in the years immediately after the painting was completed. It also led to numerous attempts at restoration that over the centuries ended up by disfiguring its appearance and further harming its state of preservation.

Leonardo da Vinci, the Last Supper, 1494-1498, detail of Christ during the restoration by Pinin Brambilla Barcilon, 1977-1998. Milan, Cenacolo Vinciano Museum. © Mic – Direzione Regionale Musei Lombardia

Particolare della manica di Matteo durante il restauro di Pinin Brambilla Barcilon

Leonardo da Vinci, the Last Supper, 1494-1498, detail of Matteo during the restoration by Pinin Brambilla Barcilon, 1977-1998. Milan, Cenacolo Vinciano Museum © Mic – Direzione Regionale Musei Lombardia

For this reason, after the last major restoration work completed in 1999, measures were taken to prevent it from deteriorating further. The air quality is carefully controlled in the refectory, consequently only small groups of visitors are allowed inside, while the environmental factors are continuously monitored: these are some of the measures adopted to ensure the work’s preservation. Hence the painting can only be viewed by appointment, with a limited number of people and restricted viewing times in the refectory. An uncontrolled influx of visitors would lead to an excessive increase in both relative humidity, with increased condensation of water vapor, and particulate matter. For these reasons access has to follow a path divided by automatic doors that close and open alternately. This allows a first natural filtering of the air that enters from outside, rich in pollutants that might harm the painting.

particolare della tavola durante il restauro di Pinin Brambilla Barcilon

Leonardo da Vinci, the Last Supper, 1494-1498, table detail during the restoration byPinin Brambilla Barcilon, 1977-1998. Milan, Cenacolo Vinciano Museum. © Mic – Direzione Regionale Musei Lombardia

The state of conservation
Repainting and restoration over time

The Last Supper, 1901 ca (catalogo Anderson)

The image we see today offers only a faint memory of the masterpiece that could be admired by Leonardo’s contemporaries. Little is left of the original painting. The historical sources report that it had suffered considerable damage already a few years after its completion. In 1517 the canon Antonio De Beatis affirmed that the Last Supper “is beginning to decay”. In 1568 the artist and biographer Giorgio Vasari wrote that “we cannot make out anything more than a glowing stain”, badly blurred, and in 1625 Cardinal Federico Borromeo spoke of “falling flakes of paint”.
Clearly the Last Supper began to deteriorate a few years after its completion.
Leonardo did not use the traditional fresco technique to paint the Last Supper and the lunettes. He chose a method that would enable him to paint on dry plaster and work slowly, so as to be able to make changes to what he had already completed and lavish care on every least detail, working simultaneously on the whole surface of the painting. Fresco technique, on the other hand, requires the artist to work rapidly and does not allow for subsequent alterations, because the painter has to work on portions of plaster while it is still damp. Once it dries, no changes can be made. So this technique was poorly suited to Leonardo’s slow and meticulous approach, working with layer upon layer of paint.

The Last Supper after Luigi Cavenaghi’s restoration, 1908

In the Last Supper the artist painted on the wall as he would have done on a wooden panel, using greasy tempera made by mixing the pigments with egg yolk. This painting on dry plaster (called “a secco”) enabled him to create intense tones and refined effects of light.

Since the early 18th century, we have records of nine attempts at restoration of the Last Supper, although traces of similar earlier intervention have been found. In the past, however, restoration was understood as reconstruction and completion of the missing or decayed parts. For this reason it often involved repainting whole portions of the work. But by the 20th century, restoration was limited to preserving and consolidating the work with its gaps.

La chiesa e il refettorio di Santa Maria delle Grazie dopo il bombardamento dell’agosto 1943

The church and the refectory of Saint Maria delle Grazie after the allied bombing on 1943. © Mic – Direzione Regionale Musei Lombardia

Pinin Brambilla Barcilon a lavoro durante il restauro del Cenacolo, 1982

Pinin Brambilla Barcilon working on restoration of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper, 1982. © Mic – Direzione Regionale Musei Lombardia

Mauro Pellicioli davanti al Cenacolo di Leonardo

Mauro Pellicioli and the Last Supper. The making of of the film “Il miracolo della Cena. Le vicende del capolavoro di Leonardo da Vinci”, by Luigi Rognoni, Rizzoli film, 1953

Pinin Brambilla Barcilon e Carlo Bertelli durante i restauri

Pinin Brambilla Barcilon and Carlo Bertelli working on restoration.

The last operation by Pinin Brambilla Barcilon, lasting over twenty years, from 1977 to 1999, for the first time sought to recover the parts painted by Leonardo, concealed by earlier overpainting, and restored to public view a work as close as possible to its original appearance.

Conservation technique of the <em>Last Supper</em>

Conservation technique of the Last Supper

Leonardo did not use the traditional fresco technique to paint the Last Supper and the lunettes. He chose a method that would enable him to paint on dry plaster and work slowly, so as to be able to make changes.


Public Notice | Trade Union Assembly on Tuesday, February 11

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  • 11 February 2025
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Dear visitors,
please be informed that on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, a workers’ assembly has been scheduled. During this time slot, the Museo del Cenacolo Vinciano will be closed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Public Notice | Trade Union Assembly on Tuesday, February 11

January Additional Ticket Reservation Schedule

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  • 23 December 2024
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  • Museo del Cenacolo Vinciano

Dear visitors,

In January, the sale of additional tickets – usually available every Wednesday at 12 noon for the following week – will follow a special schedule due to certain public holidays.

January Additional Ticket Reservation Schedule

Opening of Admissions Sales for February – March – April 2025

  • NEWS
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  • 6 December 2024
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  • Museo del Cenacolo Vinciano

On Tuesday, December 10th, beginning at 12:00 PM, tickets for the February, March, and April 2025 quarter will be made available for purchase through the official channels: online, call center, and email. Please note that reservations are mandatory for all ticket categories.

Opening of Admissions Sales for February – March – April 2025

The Last Supper Museum Transferred to the Management of the Pinacoteca di Brera

  • NEWS
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  • 2 December 2024
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  • Museo del Cenacolo Vinciano

From December 3rd, the “Leonardo’s Last Supper’s Museum” will no longer be part of the state museums that belong to Direzione regionale Musei nazionali Lombardia, which has managed it from 2014 until today.
As a matter of fact, in implementation of the Ministerial Decree n° 299 dated to 09/25/2024, “The Leonardo’s Last Supper Museum” will be managed by the Pinacoteca di Brera. This is related to the realisation of a Milanese museum centre which will be characterised by the Pinacoteca itself, The Last Supper Museum, the Biblioteca Braidense and Citterio Palace.

The Last Supper Museum Transferred to the Management of the Pinacoteca di Brera

Increase in the number of visitors admitted to the museum

  • NEWS
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  • 27 February 2024
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  • Last Supper Museum

The experimentation to gradually increase the number of visitors allowed inside the Museo del Cenacolo Vinciano continues: starting on Friday, March 1, in conjunction with the start of Museo City, the event dedicated to enhancing the cultural heritage of the city of Milan, the number of visitors will be increased to 40 for all time slots, with an additional 105 daily tickets available (for a total of 215 additional tickets each day since the beginning of the experimentation).

Increase in the number of visitors admitted to the museum

Useful info for picking up radioguides

  • NEWS
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  • 31 July 2023 – 15 February 2025
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  • Museo del Cenacolo Vinciano

As a result of a new management of the service, it is announced that as of August 1, 2023, to collect the radio guides provided by the museum to bookers, it will be necessary to deposit an ID card at the special station located in the site’s ticket office.

Useful info for picking up radioguides
(*On Tuesday, December 10th, starting at 12:00 PM, admissions for the February, March, and April 2025 quarter will be available for purchase through the usual channels.)

For conservation reasons visit the visits last 15 minutes for a maximum number of 35 people at a time

Every visitor to the Museum
of the Last Supper

is part of an extraordinary
experience, also made
possible by the support
of all of you.


From Tuesday to Sunday:
from 8.15 a.m. to 7 p.m.
(with last admission at 6.45 p.m.)


To guarantee everyone a safe visit,
in this first experimental phase,
the visits last 15 minutes for
a maximum number of 35 people at a time
Reservations are required.


Reservations* for the Cenacolo Museum will open every three months.
(*On Tuesday, December 10th, starting at 12:00 PM, admissions for the February, March, and April 2025 quarter will be available for purchase through the usual channels)