Following the closure of the Museum of the Last Supper in 5 November (DPCM 3 November 2020), the tickets purchased will be refunded with a voucher, which can be used within 18 months of its issue by making new booking through the official ticket sales channels.
The procedures for requesting the voucher are published on the page, voucher and all the information is repeated below:
To request the voucher, you must first log into your Vivaticket profile or create a new one.
Then you need to visit the voucher page and click on REQUEST VOUCHER.
ATTENTION: for visitors who have purchased their ticket online, the page must be accessed with the same profile as the purchase.
• Select TRANSACTION OR RECEIPT from the menu.
Type in the operation code shown on the tickets or purchase receipt (the code starts with TLCENV – VIVATK – TL00S) without copying and pasting.
• Click on SEARCH.
• Attach a scan or photo of the tickets or purchase receipt.
• Click on CONFIRM.
Vi ricordiamo che, se i dati di registrazione non sono completi, sarà necessario cliccare su COMPLETA I TUOI DATI prima di procedere con la richiesta.
Remember that, if the registration data is not complete, you will have click on COMPLETE YOUR DATA before sending the application.
It is important to write all fields in upper case and not use the browser Internet Explorer as it is not supported.
Vouchers can be requested no later than 31 January 2020.
Please check the deadline for submitting a voucher request at the page
After this date it will no longer be possible to request a voucher (and obviously not a cash refund).
if you have any problems with the procedure, write an email to